Six Things Possibly Wrong With Our School Systems
Last December, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law. Throughout this past year, state education agencies have been focused on developing their plans for the implementation of ESSA. The Education Trust says, "ESSA contains a number of meaningful levers that education leaders, parents, members of the business and civil rights communities, and advocates can use to advance education equity. To be clear, none of these levers will guarantee gap-closing and improved achievement for all. No law, no matter how strong, could ever do that."
Well, as Ed Trust has clearly stated, I also believe that "none of these levers will guarantee gap-closing and improved achievement for all." Why? Well, I am glad you asked. I believe that until we decide to make significant changes to the way we deliver education to our approximately 54 million K-12 students attending roughly 129,000 public schools, we will continue to get similar outcomes. So, may I ask a simple question, "what is wrong with our school systems?" The traditional system of education was designed in the industrial age and is now outdated and ineffective. As described in the following video, six possibilities of why it is ineffective might be: 1) Industrial Age Values, 2) Lack of Autonomy, 3) Inauthentic Learning, 4) No Room for Passion, 5) How We Learn, and 6) Lecturing.
Please take a moment to view the video. Tell me, what do you think about the six possible problems with our current school system? More importantly, what do you think about the need to change our system?